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Lucky Clover Relay 四葉草接力賽
 Lucky Clover Relay


Four Trails, Different Difficulties, Different Sceneries


為了令今次的比賽更有意義,賽事收入扣除開支後會全數捐出慈善機構 - 樂幼計劃 Child Welfare Scheme。​

Trail relay is quite rare in Hong Kong. The route is composited by 4 different trails (loops). Each has its own difficulties and beauty. It is a really fun game. Before the race starts, everyone is expecting where the rolling dice stop. The result decides the starting loop. As it is a relay race, when one member is on the course, three others are so excited in waiting for him. What's more the catering food is very yummy. Such an awesome race is worth to join again; or if you missed it last time, don't miss it in 2020.

To make the race more meaningful, part of your enrollment fee will be donated to Child Welfare Scheme.

賽事資料 Race Info
穿梭巴士 Shuttle Bus

日期 Date :
2021-4-4 Sunday


地點 Venue
Kat Hing Bridge, Tai Lam Chung Reservoir


組別 Catagories  / 報名費用 Registration Fee


早鳥優惠 Early Bird  

(2020-6-15 to 8-30) 
四人接力 Relay of 4 : $1600-
二人接力 Relay of 2 : $820-
個人 Solo : $450-

正常報名 Normal Registration

(2020-9-1 to 2021-2-28) 

四人接力 Relay of 4 : $1680-

二人接力 Relay of 2 : $880-

個人 Solo : $480-


Shuttle Bus from Long Ping to Tai Tong


領取選手包 Race Pack Collection



前往會場 Going to the Venue

上車時間 Departure Time
7:00am – 7:30am

** 需購買巴士券 Bus Ticket is required

上車地點 Pick-up Point

元朗屏信街 5 號, 近西鐵朗屏站 出口
5 Ping Shun St., Long Ping MTR Station Exit C

下車地點 Drop-off Point
Public Car Park, Tai Tong Barbecue Site

今年大會提供額外免費穿梭小巴服務,所有參加者可以在大棠燒烤場停車場轉乘 28 座小巴前往楓香林路口,比以往節省 1.6公里距離。下車後,參加者只需步行1km 前往起點。


Extra FREE shuttle minibus will be provided from Public Car Park to the junction of Maple Tree Road. Participants save 1.6km walking distance. After getting off the minibus, participants are required to walk just 1km to the start point.

離開會場 Leaving the Venue

上車時間 Departure Time
3:30 pm - 6:00pm

上車地點 Pick-up Point :
Junction of Maple Tree Road, Tai Tong

下車地點 Drop-off Point
黃泥墩村村公所(可乘港鐵巴士 K66 前往元朗市)

Wong Nai Tun Tsuen (Participants can take MTR Bus K66 to Yuen Long Town Centre)

** 參加者只需出示號碼布  Participants should show the BIB before getting on the bus

賽事流程 Race Rundown

地點 Venue吉慶橋 Kat Hing Bridge


7:00am-7:30am - 朗屏站接駁巴士 Shuttle Bus in Long Ping

7:30am - 賽事中心開始運作  The Venue is in operation

​8:40am - 賽事簡報  Briefing Session

​8:50am - 擲骰 Dice Throwing

8:55am - 第一輪抽獎  1st Round Lucky Draw

9:00am - 個人組起步  Solo start

9:15am -  接力組別起步  Relay teams start

11:30am - 到會餐飲服務 Catering Service

1:00pm - 頒獎 Prize Presentation
2:00pm - 第二輪抽獎 2nd Round Lucky Draw

3:30pm - 楓香林路口接駁巴士 Shuttle Bus in Maple Tree Road
5:30pm - 比賽結束 The race ends

為慶祝成立3週年,運動筆記HK 在 2018年4月舉行首屆四葉草接力賽。今年將會是第3屆。接力賽包含四條難度各異的路線,一隊人發揮各自強項,向著同一個目標進發,是團隊精神的體現。

To celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Running Biji HK, the first Lucky Clover Relay was debuted in 2018. This year will be the third one. The relay race is composited by 4 trails with different difficulty, teammates may take the most suitable trail and achieve the same goal as a team. It is true team spirit.

主 辦 機 構

受 惠 機 構


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©2020 The Note (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd
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