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今年,大會提供額外免費穿梭小巴服務,參加者可以在大棠燒烤場停車場轉乘 28 座小巴前往楓香林路口,比以往節省 1.6公里距離。下車後,參加者只需步行1km 前往起點。 This year, extra FREE shuttle minibus will be provided from BBQ Parking Area to the junction of Maple Tree Road. Participants save 1.6km walking distance. After getting off the minibus, participants are required to walk just 1km to the start point.

完成比賽後,所有參加者均可前往楓香林路口,乘座大會28 座小巴前往黃泥墩村村公所,班次為 3:30pm 開始。可以轉乘港鐵接駁巴士 K66 至元朗市中心及西鐵朗屏站。 After the race, all participants can take the shuttle bus at the junction of Maple Tree Road. The shuttle bus will stop in Wong Nai Tun Tsuen. Participants can take MTR Bus K66 back to Yuen Long Town Centre and Long Ping Station of West Railway.

去年賽事因為超強颱風山竹破壞東圈部份賽道而被逼改道。事隔一年,被破壞的山徑尚未修復,加上今年漁農自然護理處要求盡量減少與越野單車徑重疊部份,做到人與單車分隔。今年東圈會經引水道落河背村,再取道河背水塘東側的一段與單車徑平行的山徑上山,再沿山腰走回大欖林路,即麥理浩徑第九段,經田夫仔返回起點。所以今年東圈相比最原先的設計,長度由 10.35公里增加至 13.8公里,累計爬升亦由原來的 360 米跳升至 482 米。

Last year, because of the devastating damage of Super Typhoon Mangkhut, we had to amend the route of Loop East. This year, as the damaged trail is not yet repaired, and AFCD also suggested that we have to separate bike users and runners. This year, the route of Loop East is redesigned to avoid the overlapping parts. Participants needs to pass through Ho Pui Village and Ho Pui Reservoir, up the valley on the East side of the reservoir, back to McLehose Trail Sec.9. As a result, the length of Loop East is inevitably increased from 10.35km to 13.8km, and the elevation is also increased from 360m to 482m

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